Icepyx - Python tools for ICESat-2 data

Just cross-referencing the “Dataset groups” issue at Dataset groups · Issue #1092 · pydata/xarray · GitHub and the more recent “Feature Request: Hierarchical storage and processing in xarray” issue at Feature Request: Hierarchical storage and processing in xarray · Issue #4118 · pydata/xarray · GitHub. See also the Arviz InferenceData documentation at and code at I’ll try to look into this more (if I have time) as it looks really promising:

Surprisingly, this somewhat works, though there’s lots of warnings, and the very nested ‘gt**’ groups aren’t being read properly:

import arviz as az

datagroup = az.from_netcdf(filename="ATL06.003/2020.05.13/ATL06_20200513024639_07260711_003_01.h5")