Help with xarrays combine_by_coordinate: not have monotonic global indexes

Hi there,

I’m trying to calculate marine heatwaves with the xmhw package, where the data is larger than memory, by adopting a proposed fix for large spatial regions in xmhw dask. I try to update the code to store chunks in between calculations, instead of combining them in memory.

However, after storing to disk, while attempting to load the files with xr.open_mfdataset I get an error claiming that the Resulting object does not have monotonic global indexes along dimension events. When inspecting the events coordinate, I see that it is monotonically increasing, but not with constant steps.

I have more files, some of which can be combined and some that don’t. The only difference I can spot is that the events coordinate does start at different values (in the two examples showed below its 1 and 2).

But I struggle to see how that could be the issue, since for longitude, that is exactly why I combine by coordinate, that I have several chunks of longitudes which I want to combine.

If you have, in addition, an idea how to store the data directly into a combined file (like a Zarr store, or chunked netcdf) that would be much appreciated too! :slight_smile:

Thanks already and best regards


first dataset:

second dataset:


  1. create and store files
# section of the code which creates the data files to be combined later
    _, lat_chunks, lon_chunks = ts.chunk(
            "time": -1,
    steps = {"lat": lat_chunks[0], "lon": lon_chunks[0]}
    blocks = {"lat": len(lat_chunks), "lon": len(lon_chunks)}

    tempdir = Path(
    tempdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    for i in range(blocks["lon"]):
        lon_from = none_bound(i * steps["lon"], len(ts.lon))
        lon_to = none_bound((i + 1) * steps["lon"], len(ts.lon))
        for j in range(blocks["lat"]):
            lat_from = none_bound(j * steps["lat"], len(
            lat_to = none_bound((j + 1) * steps["lat"], len(
            slices = {"lon": slice(lon_from, lon_to), "lat": slice(lat_from, lat_to)}
            mhw, mhw_inter = detect(
                ts.isel(**slices), th.isel(**slices), se.isel(**slices), **detect_kws
                ds.to_netcdf(settings.path_for(str(tempdir / name)), engine="h5netcdf")
                for ds, name in zip(
                    [mhw, mhw_inter],
            del mhw, mhw_inter
  1. load files
import os
from pathlib import Path
import xarray as xr

tempdir = Path(settings.path_for(

files = ["", ""]
mhw_filepaths = [tempdir / file for file in os.listdir(tempdir) if file in files]
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(mhw_filepaths, engine="h5netcdf")

# or
# ds = xr.open_mfdataset(
#     mhw_filepaths, preprocess=lambda x: x.sortby("events"), engine="h5netcdf"
# )

error message

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[77], line 13
      7 files = ["", ""]
      8 mhw_filepaths = [
      9     tempdir / file
     10     for file in os.listdir(tempdir)
     11     if file in files
     12 ]
---> 13 ds = xr.open_mfdataset(
     14     mhw_filepaths, engine="h5netcdf"
     15 )

File /usr/local/Caskroom/mambaforge/base/envs/mhwss23/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xarray/backends/, in open_mfdataset(paths, chunks, concat_dim, compat, preprocess, engine, data_vars, coords, combine, parallel, join, attrs_file, combine_attrs, **kwargs)
   1027     combined = _nested_combine(
   1028         datasets,
   1029         concat_dims=concat_dim,
   1035         combine_attrs=combine_attrs,
   1036     )
   1037 elif combine == "by_coords":
   1038     # Redo ordering from coordinates, ignoring how they were ordered
   1039     # previously
-> 1040     combined = combine_by_coords(
   1041         datasets,
   1042         compat=compat,
   1043         data_vars=data_vars,
   1044         coords=coords,
   1045         join=join,
   1046         combine_attrs=combine_attrs,
   1047     )
   1048 else:
   1049     raise ValueError(
   1050         "{} is an invalid option for the keyword argument"
   1051         " ``combine``".format(combine)
   1052     )

File /usr/local/Caskroom/mambaforge/base/envs/mhwss23/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xarray/core/, in combine_by_coords(data_objects, compat, data_vars, coords, fill_value, join, combine_attrs, datasets)
    969     grouped_by_vars = itertools.groupby(sorted_datasets, key=vars_as_keys)
    971     # Perform the multidimensional combine on each group of data variables
    972     # before merging back together
--> 973     concatenated_grouped_by_data_vars = tuple(
    974         _combine_single_variable_hypercube(
    975             tuple(datasets_with_same_vars),
    976             fill_value=fill_value,
    977             data_vars=data_vars,
    978             coords=coords,
    979             compat=compat,
    980             join=join,
    981             combine_attrs=combine_attrs,
    982         )
    983         for vars, datasets_with_same_vars in grouped_by_vars
    984     )
    986 return merge(
    987     concatenated_grouped_by_data_vars,
    988     compat=compat,
    991     combine_attrs=combine_attrs,
    992 )

File /usr/local/Caskroom/mambaforge/base/envs/mhwss23/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xarray/core/, in (.0)
    969     grouped_by_vars = itertools.groupby(sorted_datasets, key=vars_as_keys)
    971     # Perform the multidimensional combine on each group of data variables
    972     # before merging back together
    973     concatenated_grouped_by_data_vars = tuple(
--> 974         _combine_single_variable_hypercube(
    975             tuple(datasets_with_same_vars),
    976             fill_value=fill_value,
    977             data_vars=data_vars,
    978             coords=coords,
    979             compat=compat,
    980             join=join,
    981             combine_attrs=combine_attrs,
    982         )
    983         for vars, datasets_with_same_vars in grouped_by_vars
    984     )
    986 return merge(
    987     concatenated_grouped_by_data_vars,
    988     compat=compat,
    991     combine_attrs=combine_attrs,
    992 )

File /usr/local/Caskroom/mambaforge/base/envs/mhwss23/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xarray/core/, in _combine_single_variable_hypercube(datasets, fill_value, data_vars, coords, compat, join, combine_attrs)
    646     indexes = concatenated.indexes.get(dim)
    647     if not (indexes.is_monotonic_increasing or indexes.is_monotonic_decreasing):
--> 648         raise ValueError(
    649             "Resulting object does not have monotonic"
    650             " global indexes along dimension {}".format(dim)
    651         )
    653 return concatenated

ValueError: Resulting object does not have monotonic global indexes along dimension events

It’s a little bit difficult to see exactly what the issue is without a reproducible example (I don’t have access to the files you are trying to concatenate).

In order to combine, the coordinates on each dataset need to be alignable. To align, by default you need to have the same coordinate values on each dataset. For instance, to concatenate datasets along lon, you need the values of the events coordinate to be the same for each dataset. combine_by_coords follows this rule in N dimensions, so if you have non-alignable coordinate values, or just regions of missing data, it will raise the error you saw. This SO answer might also help explain it.

If your datasets are mostly alignable but missing sections, there might be a way to combine them, perhaps by first padding the data with NaNs. However if your data fundamentally is not alignable, it would need to be interpolated (regridded) before it can be aligned.

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Hi there,
I experienced similar issues when concatenating the xmhw results . Any updates on this issue? The events coordinate for each dataset is different, and lat, lon are continuous values. Is there other way can combine datasets along lat and lon?

Your coordinate values don’t align. Which means you can do one of 3 things:

  • Fill the gaps with NaNs. You do this by passing join='outer'. If your events coordinate is different on every dataset then you’re going to end up with a very large array that consists of mostly NaNs.
  • Regrid the data. i.e. normalise/regrid the events coordinates, or otherwise interpolate, such that your coordinates now align.
  • Use a different data structure. xarray.Dataset is designed for containing data variables with common coordinates. It may be that in your case this doesn’t make sense, and you would be better off not trying to force all your data into a single object. (You might also want to look into xarray-DataTree.)
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Thank you for the suggestions!