GFDL CM2.6 1 percent CO2 increase per year simulation


I am working with the CM2.6 run made available through pangeo (thanks for that!), in particular the daily surface velocities, with data spanning approximately 7000 days for the control simulation, and for the 1 percent CO2 increase per year simulation.

I’m wondering what part of the simulation those 7000 days correspond to in the 1pctCO2 increase pyear simulation? Just after the CO2 increase start? Or at the end of a 100 year run? Is the CO2 increase stopped when it has doubled compared to control levels?

Thanks a lot!


I’m comparing these two datasets:

Both correspond to the same 20-year period (model years 181-200):

However, I don’t know exactly where this falls in the CO2 increase. Maybe @raphaeldussin or @StephenGriffies could chime in with a clarification.

The one-percent sees increased CO2/radiation over 70 years (where it reaches doubling) and then holds things at constant CO2/radiation for the remaining 10 years of simulation.

The 2xCO2 simulation starts at year 121 from the control. So year 180 for the control is year 60 for the 2xCO2. Year 200 for the control is year 80 of the 2xCO2.

They are both listed with the same calendar year since we kept the calendar the same when did the branch.

Make sense?

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Great answer, thanks Steve!

It would be interesting to think about whether / how this information could be encoded in the dataset metadata itself…

Thanks a lot for these answers, all very clear now!

I think adding the timeserie of average [CO2] to the dataset would be self-explanatory.

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