Downloading speed from Zenodo

I am currently downloading a dataset from Zenodo (10’s of GB) and it is taking a long time (hour or so). Is it common? Any ideas on how to speedup?

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Hi, Since last couple of weeks i am facing same problem… Even sometimes its happens that out of 26GB data 25GB downloaded then Zenodo server down, i was waited for more than 30hrs to complete the download.
Very Pathetic but it’s cool that at least we are getting data from there…

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Just jumping in to say I’ve been having the same trouble. I don’t know that I’ve seen it this bad before.

It would be cool if they had a status page if this kind of thing becomes more frequent.

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I note that they do sometimes share status on the Zenodo blog, e.g. Zenodo upgrade issues, 2023-10-19
I’m seeing slow speeds myself now, e.g. 200 kB/s, despite results of 80 Mbps and more…