Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS) use with Pangeo

Hi all, picking up the slack here a bit. We had a great discussion on the Pangeo Europe weekly coffee chat and discussed how to compare/integrate use cases of unstructured grids and DGGS grids, @annefou @tinaok . We would like to build/demonstrate a few simple and more complex workflows from some typical unstructured grids analysis steps trying to replicate those with DGGS and everything that we might stumble upon, e.g. regridding, summaries etc.

Please let’s collate some tangible examples here, which I could then try to build out on GitHub and Binder.

In addition, I would really appreciate some help from folks who have experience in building and distributing binary conda packages that require C/C++ compilation targets @benbovy @ocefpaf : I have a cmake C++ project DGGRID that requires GDAL installed as well. and creates a single executable binary. I have read lots of the conda packaging docs but I struggle. Who can help set-up a feedstock with me?

UPDATE1: I have made a reproducible docker build for DGGRID, with and without a Python base. The Python base is for subsequent testing with available open source DGGS such as H3, rHEALPix and the DGGRID Python wrapper dggrid4py.