Data cubes discussion once more : ever heard of Xcube?

I had heard about xcube before, and I’m happy to see it advancing. It looks very cool and powerful!

On top of xarray, dask, zarr, and other popular Python data science packages, xcube provides various higher-level tools to generate, manipulate, and publish xcube datasets:

  • CLI - access, generate, modify, and analyse xcube datasets using the xcube tool;
  • Python API - access, generate, modify, and analyse xcube datasets via Python programs and notebooks;
  • Web API and Server - access, analyse, visualize xcube datasets via an xcube server;
  • Viewer App – publish and visualise xcube datasets using maps and time-series charts.

I would say this is a model project for building on top of and reusing the Pangeo stack, adding additional features needed by that community. I would say we should put our full support behind this project as a way for working with these types of data cubes.

Given xcube’s integration with open-eo, this is also closely related to my recent post

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