Cloud Optimized Point Cloud (COPC) Presentation with Howard Butler at ESIP Cloud Cluster, September 25

Cloud Optimized Point Cloud

We are excited to welcome Howard Butler at the next ESIP Cloud Computing Cluster to present the Cloud Optimized Point Cloud ( format.

Topic: Cloud Optimized Point Cloud

When: Monday September 25th, 10:00-11:00 am PT / 1:00-2:00 pm ET / 7pm CEST

Where: Find joining information on ESIP Community Calendar


Point cloud data are an important component of geospatial data workflows, but software and formats to manage it often have compromises that work against efficient storage and processing of data. While commonly seen characterizing topographic information in LiDAR applications, point cloud data are an important driver of change detection applications in SAR workflows and provide important raw data to bring the physical world to the augmented one through handset capture on devices like the iPhone 12+. is an open specification by Hobu, Inc. for organizing point cloud data in LAZ that allows it to be streamable over HTTP, selectable for resolution or spatial window, and adaptable to existing point cloud workflows in a backward compatible way. We will discuss the design choices and evolution of COPC, demonstrate its use in PDAL and QGIS scenarios, and show how COPC can be used in the cloud for management of massive point cloud collections.

Speaker Bio

Howard Butler is the founder and president of Hobu, Inc., an open source software consultancy located in Iowa City, Iowa that focuses on point cloud data management solutions. He is an active participant in the ASPRS LAS Committee, a Project Steering Committee member of both the PROJ and GDAL open source software projects, a contributing author to the GeoJSON specification, and a past member of the OSGeo Board of Directors. With his firm, Howard leads the development of the PDAL and Entwine open source point cloud processing and organization software libraries.


  • 5 minutes - Welcome and Announcements

  • 30 minutes - Presentation

  • 20 minutes - Q@A

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