Hello Pangeo Community,
I am currently in the process of writing my MA thesis regarding Sustainable Event Management and use of smart technologies for remote environmental monitoring and sustainability performance.
I have a conceptual model for a smart ICT cloud system with an integrated digital tool App for real-time Sustainable Event Evaluation.
I am researching if there is an Open Source / Open Data Bank regarding real-time global Climate / Weather which can be accessed as a data-stream for Extreme Weather Reporting for the smart ICT cloud system and integrated App’s feature to be used for data visualisation as a localised map.
If anyone has any suggestions or useful insights, please comment in this thread.
If you are interested in my MA research project - please email me directly: ck205848@falmouth.ac.uk
Many thanks in advance for your time and insights.
Caragh King
MA Creative Events Management Student
Business & Experience Design Dept, Falmouth University