June 14-16, 2022 – San Diego (La Jolla) – Scripps Seaside Forum
As scientific studies become more data intensive and software dependent, reproducibility principles and other factors increase the importance of making work such as reusable workflows, software, and data-access procedures citable. This importance is reflected in new academic journals, such as the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS), whose peer reviewed articles highlight the software itself, and often can include executable notebooks (such as Jupyter, R Studio, etc.) In this spirit, EarthCube is issuing its 3rd Call for Notebooks as primary, peer-reviewed submissions to a digital proceedings for this year’s EarthCube Annual Meeting. Submitted notebooks should highlight a tool (i.e., software, service, library, dataset, standard), explaining and demonstrating interactively how the tool may be used to address a significant problem in geoscience. There will be two tracks. One track will be focused on submissions where the goal is describing scientific outputs. In this case, the novelty is based on the analysis being done and the scientific conclusions drawn. The other is on demonstrating new software and tools. Here the emphasis is on the new software and its use.
Submissions will be peer reviewed in terms of their impact on geoscience research and overall usability. Reviewers will be members of the geoscience and cyberinfrastructure communities. Authors of accepted notebooks will have the opportunity to present their notebook at the EarthCube Annual Meeting and their notebooks will be published in an EarthCube digital proceedings for others to discover, use, and cite. Notebook abstracts are due March 8, 2022. Final notebooks are due on April 15, 2022.
March 8: Abstracts Due
April 15: Final Notebooks due
May 10: Notification of notebook Review
June 14-16: EarthCube Annual Meeting
Submissions should provide a Jupyter, R, or Matlab notebook and use the EarthCube template in Python 3 (an example can be viewed here; please note that the final version of the Python template will be provided in early March, along with R and Matlab templates if needed.)
Authors should share their notebook in a self-contained runnable environment (e.g., use of Binder or Jupyterhub is strongly recommended for Jupyter submissions), so that reviewers and the community can run the notebook without having to install required libraries locally. We strongly suggest you ask a colleague to review your notebook before you submit it.
Submissions should take the form of an abstract (due March 8) and URL (due April 15) to a repository containing the notebook.
Submit abstracts HERE by March 8
Notebook Organizing Committee:
Lisa Tauxe - UCSD (Chair)
Donata Giglio - University of Colorado, EarthCube TAC
Daniel S. Katz - University of Illinois - EarthCube Office
Kenton McHenry - University of Illinois - EarthCube Office
Jessica Scheick - U of New Hampshire
Lynne Schreiber - SDSC, UCSD - EarthCube Office
Hugh Shanahan - Royal Holloway, University of London