Assistant Professor in Machine Learning, Linköping University, Sweden

We are looking for an Assistant Professor in Statistical Machine Learning at Linköping University, Sweden. The position is fully-funded, 5-year tenure track (with good chances of getting tenured) and includes ca 20 % teaching. The research direction is flexible as long as it fits the broad area of statistical machine learning. However, we are currently expanding our research activities related to machine learning for weather forecasting and climate science, so a candidate with this profile would fit very well in our group.

Read more: Assistant professor in Statistical Machine Learning - Linköping University

Application deadline: 29 Feb 2024.

Linköping University is one of Sweden’s leading AI institutions, host of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), and Linköping was recently ranked as Europe’s most innovative city (Linköping is Europe's most innovative city – thanks largely to LiU - Linköping University). For the entrepreneurial, it is worth noting that researchers at Swedish universities retain full IP rights to research results (a unique system known as “lärarundantaget”) and the university provides support to researchers who which to commercialize or patent ideas.