JupyterHub access on Cheyenne
Step 1: Navigate to https://jupyterhub.ucar.edu/.
Step 2: Launch your server, select from:
- Cheyenne Supercomputer (i.e., the batch nodes)
- Casper DAV (Analysis machine)
You may have to click “Launch Server” after selecting your machine:
Step 3: Authenticate with either your yubikey or your DUO mobile app
Step 4: Specify:
- Queue (reservation or Slurm QoS)
- Project account number
- Wall time
Step 5: Click “Spawn.”
What to do if JupyterHub is down or unstable (The Murphy’s Law section):
In case you are having issues with jupyterhub.ucar.edu, we’ve provided utility scripts for launching JupyterLab on both Cheyenne and Casper via SSH Tunneling:
Step 1: SSH into Cheyenne or Casper:
ssh username@cheyenne.ucar.edu
ssh username@casper.ucar.edu
Step 2: Clone repository with utility scripts:
git clone https://github.com/NCAR/ncar-python-tutorial.git
Step 3: Submit Job and Launch Jupyter Server
Note: This step requires having conda on your path, and jupyter
installed in your base
conda environment. In order to launch the jupyter server from a different environment, make sure to run conda activate ENV_NAME
where ENV_NAME=your environment name prior running the following commands:
cd ncar-python-tutorial
./setup/jlab-ch # on Cheyenne
./setup/jlab/jlab-dav # On Casper
For custom configuration, you can use --help option to see the available options
$ ./setup/jlab/jlab-ch --help
Usage: launch Jupyter server
Possible options are:
-a,--account: account
-w,--walltime: walltime [default: 06:00:00]
-q,--queue: queue [default: share]
-m,--memory: memory request [default: 8GB]
-d,--directory: notebook directory
-p,--port: [default: 8888]
--matlab: run matlab kernel
--matlab-version: matlab version [default: R2018a]
Step 4: If step 3 is successful, you will see instructions along the lines:
Execute on local machine:
ssh -N -L 8999:localhost:8999 username@casperxx.ucar.edu
Open a browser on your local machine and type in the address bar:
- Open a new terminal and run the `ssh command` listed under `Execute on local machine` section
- Open your favorite browser (chrome, firefox, etc..) and head over to the address listed under `Open a browser on your local machine ….` section