Thanks @rabernat, your tweet was exactly what inspired me to try this out The dataset I’m working with is in a HDF5 format though, and I’m trying to tackle 1) The nested HDF5 structure which requires
to read, and 2) Getting kerchunk
to work so that we could read the nested HDF5 file using engine="zarr"
Going beyond that, I’m hoping that there’s a way to use kvikIO
to read those HDF5 files (via kerchunk/Zarr) directly into GPU memory (via NVIDIA GPU Direct Storage) as mentioned in Favorite way to go from netCDF (&xarray) to torch/TF/Jax et al - #8 by weiji14, but that’s getting ahead of myself a little bit. This would be a nice for [use case demonstration] Kvikio Direct-to-gpu -> xarray -> xbatcher -> ml model · Issue #87 · xarray-contrib/xbatcher · GitHub though!